Unlimited Screening: What did members make of the new Jed Hart revenge thriller Restless?

Advance movie screenings are one of the many benefits of Cineworld Unlimited membership – and last night, members were treated to the latest of these regular special events. In this case, the film being shown was Restless (on general release from 4 April), a new British revenge thriller for which Jed Hart made his directorial debut.

Described by Sight and Sound writer Anton Bitel as "a surprising nightmare neighbour thriller", it stars Lyndsey Marshal as a lonely care-home worker whose peaceful existence is rudely interrupted by the arrival next-door of an anti-social hedonist (Aston McAuley). Though she tries her best to ignore the incessant noise and crude behaviour coming from the adjacent house, there's only so much a person can take...

Restless has been warmly welcomed by critics, but what did Cineworld Unlimited members think of it? Here are just some of the comments we've had on X and Letterboxd...



The movie went down a storm with X user @JonWeedon, who commented: "Really good film. Very tense throughout and well acted. The ending wasn't as I expected which was also good! Will recommend to friends when it goes on general release."
The positive sentiment was shared by @leccydisco, who gushed: "Brilliant edge of the seat stuff! Felt very real all the way through! Loved it!"
@kylemsnape certainly seemed to enjoy the screening, writing: "Really solid tense thriller that keeps you on the edge of your seat mostly by being realistic and relatable in its execution. Will absolutely hit close to home for many. And may it be a lesson to all the noisy neighbours out there."

And @alexbcann thought that the movie ticked a lot of boxes, saying: "I thought it was fab! Tense, full of dark humour, well scripted, and a really enjoyable way to spend 90 mins. I was totally rooting for justice to be done.  I hope it gets the audience it deserves on release. One of the best film surprises of the year so far."
Another viewer to sing the film's praises was @marathon_addict, who stated: "Difficult watch… but brilliant. Great ending."



And it wasn't just X users who loved our Unlimited Screening of Restless – cinema fans on Letterboxd also gave it a massive thumbs-up. One viewer, Jess, said: "This is probably one that will go under the radar but it's actually a great watch. It builds a lot of tension and really makes you root for the main character while hating on the antagonist. It's so well made and deserves to be watched."

A second Letterboxd user hailed the leading actress, writing: "Lyndsey Marshal gives a stellar performance in an anxiety-filled movie... Restless is intense, thrilling, devastating and at times hilarious, with the comedic relief never feeling forced."

Restless goes on general release at Cineworld from 4 April. Tickets will go on sale soon.