Dev Patel reinvents himself in his bruising and bracingly violent directorial debut Monkey Man. Patel directs and stars as Bobby, an underground boxer who vows vengeance on the corrupt officials and false prophets who killed his mother. Along the way, Bobby transcends his status as a man and mirrors the destiny of the legendary Hanuman, the Hindu monkey deity who dared to defy the gods.
The socio-political observations hit as hard as the punches and the improvised weaponry in this savage blast of action mayhem. Patel's wide-ranging aesthetic influences stretch from Bollywood to Gareth Evans' Raid films and he discusses them with Cineworld in our behind-the-scenes interview. We also got the film's Oscar-winning producer Jordan Peele in the room alongside Dev to discuss Monkey Man's singular, India-centric reinvention of action-thriller conventions.
Did you know Peele was responsible for getting Patel's vision onto the big screen via his Monkeypaw Productions label? We cover this and more in our behind-the-scenes chat, so find out more by watching the following.
Monkey Man is now on release at Cineworld. Get your tickets by clicking the link below.
In the mood for more big-screen thrills? Our Action Season is now underway so find out more by clicking the link below.