Calling all Cineworld Unlimited members! Don't feel down in the dumps about Blue Monday. We know it's the worst day of the year, but we're here to cheer you up with our first ever 'bring a friend' Cineworld Unlimited screening.
Yes, for the first time, you can bring a non-Unlimited best mate for free to one of our special previews. And we're kicking everything off with Like a Boss on the 20th of January. Bridesmaids' Rose Byrne and Girls Trip's Tiffany Haddish are the raucous BFFS in this knockabout comedy – so what better way to celebrate a movie about friendship than by bringing a fellow film fan with you?
Not only do you get to be the envy of your mates, you also get to share in the experience with someone who loves cinema as much as you. Simply follow these steps.
How to use your booking code
1. Click here to visit the Like a Boss Cineworld Unlimited screening page.
2. On the ticket selection page, under the heading “Choose your ticket and seating type”, you will see a box called “Got a ticket code or CEA carer card?”. Enter your code in the box (we recommend you copy and paste it) and click "Add code". When a valid code is applied, the complimentary ticket type will automatically appear in the table. Please note you can use both your CEA carer card AND unique bring a friend code.
3. Select your tickets and then click on "Confirm Tickets".
4. Select your seat from the auditorium map and click on "Continue with selected seats".
5. Review and finalise your booking
If you’re opted into our emails, you’ll receive your unique booking code this evening. If you don’t receive our Unlimited emails, you can also get a code by contacting our Customer Services team on 0330 333 4444.
That's all you need to know. Let us know @Cineworld and using #CineworldUnlimited if you're planning to bring a friend to the movie.
Click here for full terms and conditions.
And if you don’t want to miss any future offers, Unlimited screenings and more, be sure to opt into our Unlimited newsletter. Click here to find out how.